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A really touching and heart breaking update

Posted: 28 May 2018, 08:21
by Glenys
From Abi and Craig fosters for Daisy and Pups :

I wanted to start by saying thank you for your patience. I know everyone loved seeing the puppy updates and people must have wondered where we had disappeared to!
Sadly things have not been good for us here and we have had a very hard time with everything that has happened so far. Unfortunately we currently only have 2 surviving pups and at this moment we do not know what their future holds for them. We lost the 2 pups during their 4th week which you know about and since then we have lost 3 pups during their 6th week and another last weekend.
We have spent a lot of time at the vets, dashing for emergency appointments and then having test after test, post-mortems, biopsies, swabs etc all to try to get to the bottom of things.
Sadly it appears that the pups were born with a defect within their heart. They have not been ill in any way, they have been "fit, healthy, active" pups one minute, then gone the next.
I can honestly say this has been one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone! Its like having your heart ripped out, trampled on, put back in and then ripped out again, over and over and over again.
At this moment in time, we do not know if the two pups we have left have this condition or not and we are doing everything we can to find out.
My heart has broken for the new owners who came to view their pups ,for me to have to tell them they have passed away. Everyone has been so kind and understanding.
We are currently taking each day as it comes. The pups are living with the gang now and interacting as one big group. They are 9 weeks old today and should have gone to their new homes last week but we are still going through tests etc, so homing them at present is on hold.
Daisy is at last "a dog". She is no longer skin and bone and once she stopped feeding them her true character began to come out. She is one cheeky little monkey, loves to play with the other dogs, loves to chase them as they run after a ball, she likes to play fight and cuddle on the couch. She enjoys playing with her babies and loves lying in the sun. She will counter surf, try to open doors, clears a stair gate no problem at all and will even drink your tea if your not looking
Bunty & Benson were the first two pups to be born. They are cheeky little pups who are into everything. They love playing with the other dogs and are learning quickly who they can get away with what with and who they have to remember their manners with. Betty is an amazing Aunty! When they pups start scrapping she parts them and sends them on their way but she loves to play with them too.
So this is where we are at. This is why Ive been so quiet. I have had to shut off from everything to be able to survive this nightmare. I couldn't have done it without my man by my side, he has been my rock, we have carried each other through when times have been unbearable.
Everyday, I look at these pups and they melt me, they make the bad stuff go away. They make everything doable and keep us soldiering on.
Our vet bills are for Daisy and Pups currently just under £3,000 (which is very fair with everything we have had done) but we are still undergoing tests etc so it is still rising. I guess some would say "this is rescue" and I guess it is, this is why we do what we do but it isn't all plain sailing and happy ever afters. Its also soul destroying heart break. RIP Bertie, Basil, Bailey, Bouncer, Bonnie & Bella :cry3:

Vet on this case are Ribble Vets Preston who have gone the extra Mile for us always considerate nothing too much trouble and kind with their Fees.

Fundraising is current on crowd funding , Bacs Santader
account number 40136010 REF Rescue Vet Bills
Paypal on link on the home Page

Re: A really touching and heart breaking update

Posted: 28 May 2018, 13:58
by Jane267
Oh wow. What can we say, except an enormous thankyou for all the love an care which has been given to this family and continues to be given to the survivors.

For Daisy, Bunty and Benson, we hope you go from strength to strength.

Jane and Lily

Re: A really touching and heart breaking update

Posted: 28 May 2018, 22:43
by Labrador3
Wow! That was difficult to read! Well done to you for doing your very best in very difficult times for the pups. You are doing an amazing job and it is appreciated. Best wishes.

Re: A really touching and heart breaking update

Posted: 29 May 2018, 09:58
by LabLover
This was so heartbreaking and sad to read, our hearts go out to you both as we know the puppies couldn't have been more loved and cared for by anyone else. Keeping everything crossed and praying that Bunty and Benson pull through this after such a tragic time. Lovely to read that Daisy is doing well and learning how to be a dog and more importantly what it's like to be loved and cared for.

Thinking of you both :love3:

Re: A really touching and heart breaking update

Posted: 29 May 2018, 11:22
by JoanG
Just back from holiday and so sad to read Abi's update. The pups looked so healthy and full of life that it must have been even more heart breaking when they passed so unexpectedly. You, Craig and the whole Crabi gang gave this family love and exceptional care and you should be proud that their short lives were filled with only good times - if Daisy hadn't been rescued I doubt whether she or any of the puppies would have made it this far. I sincerely hope that Benson and Bunty are free of this heart defect and go on to have long and happy lives.

Pleased to hear that Daisy is coming along well and enjoying her life with you. My heart goes out to you, Abi, Craig and everyone at the Rescue life can be so cruel sometimes and I know how traumatic this must have been for all of you.

Sending buckets of positive thoughts for Benson and Bunty xx

Re: A really touching and heart breaking update

Posted: 29 May 2018, 16:21
by Liz5353
Abi Craig and everyone involved, thank you so much for everything that has been done for Daisy and her puppies.
I really cannot imagine what a sad and difficult time this is and has been for you,
It must have been very hard for you also having to give us the update, this is also appreciated.
Thinking of you all .
Liz Shelly Bonnie Molly Polly x