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Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 24 Nov 2010, 20:28
by mollysmum
I love to read the update and they always make me smile. You must be so proud of her Ruth, how she has developed into a very confident girl. I hope the treatment goes well and her allergies become a thing of the past.

Anna you are a beautiful girl and you must be so pleased to have the approval of Lud while you were picking up. I bet he was jealous of how well you did. Will be waiting to your next update.

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 30 Nov 2010, 22:38
by Ann Mee
A lovely update Anna & Mum, leaves you with a lovely warm feeling that you two are soulmates. She has a wonderful home and a new life and loving every moment of it. Superb!!! Good luck too with the new treatment x13 x13 x30 x30

Ann x

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 11 Dec 2010, 19:43
by kathryn
Lovely update thankyou so much ruth, you have done wonders with her, but knew she was destined for great things...thanks once again and hope you all have a wonderful xmas...


Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 18:49
by Ludwig and Co
Hi Guys,

Well you certainly will have forgotten me by now! It's months since I was able to drag the computer away from Mum but I have sneaked in to use it as poor Mum is so tired she won't notice! This will probably just be a quickie to remind you all that I am still very much alive and kicking! Lud and I have been a bit sad recently as it is no longer the shooting season and we miss it loads. Mum says not to mind as she has all sorts of exciting training activities lined up for us with lots of water work involved so we are looking forward to that!

We are going to Wales on Friday and I am hoping it will be sunny so I can swim in the sea but Mum says it might be too cold.

I have been helping loads in the garden whilst the weather has been good and have resumed my goldfish watching duties but there are four less now -they died over the winter.

I have got a new favourite treat - pig's ears! They are so scrummy I think I should be allowed them ad lib (note my use of Latin) but Mum says it wouldn't be a very balanced diet - spoilsport activity again!

Must go as Mum is falling asleep at her other desk and we still have to go for our walk and go and see big brother Benjamin.

Will send you a longer update soon.

Anna xxx

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 18:53
by Lins
Hi Anne, it's great to hear from you again :hello1:

Look forward to a longer report. Enjoy yourselves in Wales. :thumbright:

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 19:22
by kayj
Lovely to hear from you Anna,have been thinking about you recently and wandering how your life was progressing.Sounds that you are having the best of times with your Mum and brothers.

Hope you enjoy your trip to Wales.
:love2: :love2:


Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 19:25
by Diesel Kate
Lovely to hear from you again Anna, I thought you had forgotten about us. :dontknow:

Sorry the hunting seasons is finished for you, but summer is coming and there will be plenty of new things for you to do.

Have a lovely time in Wales.

:love2: :love2: :love2:

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 19:34
by rhoda4
Hi Anna :hello2:

Lovely to hear from you again. I know someone else who's rather partial to a pig's ear! Hope you have a fab time in Wales and that it'll be ok for you to swim. Do you think there's any chance of posting some pictures when you come home? :thumbright: Sending hugs to you and Lud. :love2: :love2:

Ann, Paul & Zac x

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 30 Mar 2011, 20:53
by carolb
Us forget about you :dontknow: Never :thumbright: Lovely to hear from you Anna. Enjoy Wales and hope to hear from you again soon. :1961:

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 31 Mar 2011, 14:25
by Ann Mee
Lovely to hear from you Anna, Millie and I are glad the shooting season is over - sorry, as Millie is scared stiff of banging noises, and on a few occasions we have had to come home from a walk as she was so scared if she's heard them. Have a great time in Wales and please remember your camera :thumbright:

Ann x

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 09 Apr 2011, 20:25
by mollysmum
As always anna is so good to hear from you and what adventures you have had. Look forward to reading some more and hopefully to see some pics.

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 11 Apr 2011, 21:35
by jackie
Great to hear from you :hello1: pleased all is going well, it sounds like your Mum has done a great job with you.

Jackie x

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 17:53
by Ludwig and Co
Hi there everyone!

I bet you thought I had fallen off the face of the earth! No, it's just that Mum (and me) have been so busy we just haven't had time to go onto my blog - it takes ages to write these things - and is this going to be a long one I can tell you! I have, however, been keeping a list under the cushion in my bed about what I am going to tell you so I don't forget any adventures and I'll relate them in no order of importance as they are all worthy of a mention. Talking about beds, Mum got me one of those round soft quilted beds with sides to it and a cushion inside - you know the sort I mean. Well it was all very nice until about 6 hours after being given it I decided to modify it. Then the white stuffing just kept coming out and I couldn't get it back in - whoops!!! Mum wasn't best pleased with this but I was allowed to keep the cushion as I hadn't started work on this item yet. Lud just sat and watched with a faintly disapproving expression - I guess he know I would have trouble trying to mend it.

I have yet more duties - Rabbit Warren Duty, Log Rescue and FrogWatch. Rabbit Warren Duty involves going into one of the horse fields while Mum is poo-picking and running straight up to the big rabbit holes under the hedge. I spend a lot of time sniffing carefully and working out which of the holes has had rabbits in and out of it recently then I try to enlarge it so I can get down there after them. I can get in almost past my shoulders - Mum has a photo of this but is so rubbish she hasn't got the phone she took it on with her - typical.

Log Rescue is great fun - this involves going to my lake (yes, stop sniggering, the one I fell in before I found out you couldn't walk on water!) and carefully wading in and staring intently into the depths until I see what I am looking for - a submerged log just BEGGING to be rescued. This is how I complete my task - once I have spied my drowning log I feel it carefully with my paws so I can position myself in exactly the right place above it. Then I plunge my head under the water and dive down and grasp it in my jaws. This last part is a little tricky and sometimes takes several attempts before I have it safely. These are quite big logs and I only have a little mouth (Mum says its size has no influence on its destructive ability - don't know quite what she means by that) but I get it in the end. I then start taking it back towards the shore and this is no easy task I can tell you! The logs are very big - Mum measured the last one at approximately four yards (but I didn't see any farm animals or anything) and because they are submerged they are really heavy but I can usually just manage to semi-float them back to shore. Once I have landed them I can't move them at all cos they are so heavy. Mum also has pics of this I think - I will have to nag her to add them onto my blog at a later date as I am rather proud of my log ones.

FrogWatch - well this has ended now obviously but when the frogs are in the pond in our garden in the summer they need intense supervision as they keep jumping around the pond and I get really worried that they will jump out and die or something. I manage to combine FrogWatch Duty with my Goldfish Patrol and Snail Duty (Mum says this is multi-tasking and is a particularly feminine skill). In true spoilsport fashion, she won't let me pick up or play with the frogs as she says I might hurt them - i think this may be because she found me patting one with my paw to see if it could jump any higher but I was being really careful to be gentle although Mum says I don't know the meaning of the word - huh!

Another exciting thing I must tell you is that I have another big brother!!! Big Brother Benjamin decided he wanted a younger brother to share his workload as he is getting on in years - he is eight times older than me Mum says but you will have to work that out for yourselves as my mathematical abilities are not great yet - I prefer to concentrate on writing so I can update my blog. So anyway, Mum spent quite a lot of time looking for a suitable big (but younger than Benj) brother and one of the main questions she was asking the people she spoke to was whether the horse they were selling was ok to hack out with dogs! I know because I was listening sneakily in the background. Mum says this is naughty but if I don't do this I never get to know ANYTHING! Anyway, she found my new brother in the end and his name is CK. He is about 17.1hh and is another Dutch Warmblood but is a different colour from Benjamin. He is just as nice and doesn't mind me swooping in to grab a mouthful of his feed which I only do if I think Mum isn't looking as she gets cross if I do this (more spoilsport evidence). We go out on hacks with him and everything and he doesn't mind me trotting along really close to him and always steps around me if I have to stop and sniff something in his path.

I have also developed a new method of eating rawhide bones - you know those big ones with the knots on the ends? Well this is what I do - I chew one end until it is really soft and soggy and I can undo the knot and then I work my way up the bone until I have reached the other knot. Now this is where it gets complicated..... I turn the bone round so I am holding the hard knot between my paws then I pick up the long soft soggy end where I have undone the knot and I begin to swallow. Apparently you can see it going all the way down my throat like a big snake until I reach the hard knot which I am holding in my paws and can't swallow any further. Then I open my mouth and pull my head back away from my front paws and the rest of the length of the bone comes back up and out of my oesophagus (Evil Hairy Brother told me this is what the tube into my stomach is called - always a clever clogs!) throat and mouth for further chewing and swallowing repetition! Mum says this is absolutely repulsive but she still watches me when I do it. I pointed out to her she didn't have to watch if she found it so gross but she said that she was watching in facinated horror - whatever that means! She says she has seen people do this with strands of cooked spaghetti but I don't think that would be nearly as spectacular as a big juicy length of rawhide!

Well, as you will know, the shooting season is in full swing - Lud and I have been working hard most Saturdays picking up for Mum - it's still great fun! We spent a lot of the summer training with starting pistols and dummies which was really exciting. Sometimes I am naughty though - at least Mum says I am. If Luddy has a pheasant and I am supposed to be looking for one of my own, sometimes I run to Lud and try to take his. Lud know this is naughty so he lets go so it doesn't get damaged and that means I get to carry the prize back to Mum - hah! Lud gets a bit upset at this and so does Mum actually but I can't work out why - the pheasant still gets taken back to her so what does it matter? However, in true spoilsport form she won't let me pick up now if Lud is coming back with one so I can't go and help him. I did a really good retrieve the other day - a hen pheasant had fallen in a pond and none of the other dogs there seemed to see it even when their owners pointed it out to them. I on the other paw, with my eagle eyed vision, spied it immediately and plunged in to fetch it! I brought it back perfectly but on reflection, I can see why none of the others went in - the water was soooooo cold it had ice on it!!! However, I like to think I showed true dedication to my work as I only have a thin coat and the other dogs that wouldn't go in were spaniels and a Golden Retriever and they all have really thick hair. I ran round loads afterwards to warm up and dry off though.

I think that is all for now - no, wait! I forgot one of the most important things - it was my two year Anna-versary with Mum and the others in October. Mum took us away for the weekend to Wales as we love it there so much. Evil Hairy One tried to make me think that Mum was going there anyway and that it wasn't for my Anna-versary but I know better! We had an ace time in the sea and I made Mum let me stay in and swim for hours! I got lots of essential edible presents as well

Well, I think that is definitely all for now - I will try to get Mum to post my pictures on but don't be surprised if it takes another 12 months!

Lots of love to everyone and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Princess Annabel xxx

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 19:23
by Lins
Oh I do enjoy your blog Anna. You are one very busy lady, I can understand why we have to wait.

Thank you for the update, and oh, by the way, Happy Anniversary and A very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to you all.

:s14: x52 :s14:

Re: Anna (Rhianna) off to her new life

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 20:16
by carolb
Fantastic update again Anna (or should that be Princess Annabel!!) You certainly have a way with words, so glad you are still enjoying your working and social life. Have a lovely Christmas! And keep on at Mum for those pics!! x43 :s12: