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Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 15:07
by Diesel Kate
Alison she has the most adorable face. :love4: You just want to give her a cuddle. I am sure even now she will be beginning to feel at home already. She could not have gone to a better home.

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 16:06
by Ann Mee
Alison she's lovely congratulations :bravo: :bravo: . Hope she is more settled today :love2: :love2:

Ann x

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 16:44
by gillal1
What a sweetie and what a lucky girl, she is beautiful Alison and I am sure will settle and come to realise how lucky she is very quickly.
Look forward to more piccies as she grows in confidence.

:bighug: To Molly for being so accepting and :bighug: For Honey to.

Gill,Milly and Lilly.

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 25 Jun 2012, 22:30
by Joe + Hilary
What a lovely lovely girtl your Honey looks. Congratulations on adopting her into your home, her forever home and the 1st she's known by the sound of it. She must be so happy.

:bighug: :love5: :2379:

Hilary, Tuppence, William & Rowley

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 13:34
by Lindsay2011
Alison, she's beautiful and I hope she's more settled for you now. How is Molly taking to her now she's been there a couple of days? I bet she's glad to have the company again.

Hope things are going well enough for you to bring her to funday,

Lindsay x

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 19:36
by mcca
oh she is gorgeous what lovely fluffy fur
a great big grown up andrex pup
i bet she settles really quick bracken was a working dog who apparently lived in kennels but decided on day 2 that his life had changed for the better soft bed warm radiator etc etc toys lots of toys
hope you get to funday


Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 09:46
by Blakey
Oh Alison, Honey is just gorgeous :love2: . I'm so pleased that she's come to you and I'm sure she'll find her feet and settle in in no time at all.

Well Done you for taking her into your home and your hearts. I'm sure that Sam will be watching and giving his approval from afar :love5:




Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 20:47
by LabLover
Honey is so beauitiful and she couldn't have found a better home than with you and feel sure she will soon find her feet and be settled :love5:

Think Sam will also be watching and that you will also have his approval :love2:

Amanda Jim Milo Zak & Max x

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 28 Jun 2012, 21:26
by mollysmum
Hope Honey is beginning to settle and feel at home now Alison, will we be seeing her at funday with Molly.

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 07:24
by mollymunch
Good news is that Honey is coming on leaps and bounds each day so we will definitely be bringing her to the funday. If anything she is more confident outside than inside especially in the kitchen with all the different noises going on there. She is so funny in a morning when I come down as she does a little dance and kicks both her back heels in the air like a bucking bronco and then charges round the settee :rofl: much to Molly's amazement :2019:


When is the liver cake going to be ready?


Alison x

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 08:47
by Willow
What beautiful photos Alison; Honey is so like my Willow, such a sweet face. Can't wait to meet her (and see Molly again) on Sunday :1972:

Love the idea of the little dance by the way :1966:

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 10:50
by rhoda4
Sounds like your beautiful girl is doing realy well. :love2: Lovely pictures. :love5: Honey's little dance sounds great fun.

Ann, Paul & Zac x

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 13:51
by kayj
:love5: :love5: :love5: Honey is gorgeous,can't wait to meet her.
Good to hear she is making progress.

Re: Here's Honey ......

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 16:25
by Makky
Lovely updated Alison & gorgeous photos, so pleased to read that Honey is beginning to settle, she has a lovely smilely face reminds me of Elwood, please keep the photos coming we love to see them :love6: