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Ozzie's first gotcha

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 17:06
by sallydog1
We can't believe it is a whole year since we welcomed a very unsure Ozzie into our lives. He's a real character and has very definite views on how the world should be :2014: but we usually manage a compromise. He was nervous of other dogs and people at first but, after some coaching by John's Teddy and constant exposure during walks, he's come on in leaps and bounds and now happily greets people and approaches most dogs to say hello :bravo: .

He would have made a good search dog: he can sniff out and track down a crumb of anything within five hundred yards. We had fun (not) trying to catch him when he was hurtling around with, and rolling in and eating, a very dead, large fish on Lytham beach. One bath was not enough! He has embarrassed us at times by catching and bursting others' footballs and being a total tart with visitors but everyone loves him for his wagging tail - and head - and smiley grin :1939: .

We cannot imagine being without him. Photos to follow when IT support (Phil) puts them on.

Re: Ozzie's first gotcha

Posted: 21 Aug 2014, 18:06
by coco-bean
:2389: Happy 1st Gotcha Ozzie :2389:

Hope you had a great day :beerandwhistle: :2803:

Re: Ozzie's first gotcha

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 09:20
by LabLover
:occasion7: A Happy 1st Gotcha Day Ozzie :occasion7:

Hope you enjoyed your day and look forward to seeing some pics.

:2389: :2389:

Amanda Jim Milo Zak & Max x

Re: Ozzie's first gotcha

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 10:27
by Glenys
Thank you for the Ozzie update time goes very quickly :love3:

Re: Ozzie's first gotcha

Posted: 22 Aug 2014, 15:54
by Megsmum
:2799: HAPPY 1ST GOTCHA OZZIE! :2799:

Hope you had a great day!
:2389: :2389: :2389: