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Posted: 29 Apr 2012, 13:08
by coopercar
We picked up Sammy from Wales yesterday. Didn't hear a peep from him all the way home and he seems to have settled in really well. He thinks the sofa is very comfortable and he has investigated every blade of grass on the short walks he has been on (can't do long walks until he has lost some weight!). He also seemed to think that sitting on my lap was a wonderful idea, I wasn't quite so keen - 50kg of happy Lab wriggling around isn't to be recommended but I don't care. He is a gorgeous dog and we all love him to bits already. Keeping him on his diet is going to be hard with those big brown appealing eyes but we will stick to it til his lost all the excess. Target - slimmer by Xmas!
From Carol - a slightly squashed but delighted owner
Haven't quite worked out how to upload a photo yet - any advice gratefully received - thank you!Image

Re: Sammy

Posted: 29 Apr 2012, 13:21
by gillal1
How lovely you have taken Sammy into your hearts and your home, :love2:
Welcome to this site always lovely to hear about another lucky Lab finding a new home.
Will be great to follow his progress as he loses weight, he seems to have made himself at home already by the sound of things, bless him.

Having short walks with the weather like this is a blessing i would think.
Ky must be thrilled to have 4 less muddy paws to clean up.

Gill,Milly and Lilly

Re: Sammy

Posted: 29 Apr 2012, 13:28
by Glenys
Well done Carol for taking the lovely Sammy

Re: Sammy

Posted: 29 Apr 2012, 16:34
by kayj
Hi and welcome Carol,

I'm so pleased that you have adopted Sammy,met him when I went to walk the dogs with Ky on Thursday.He is adorable and so friendly.I'm sure that despite his lovely brown eyes you will continue with his weight loss and look forward to hearing about his progress.Give him a :bighug: from me.

:love2: :love2:


Re: Sammy

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 00:23
by Joe + Hilary
Hello Carol,

Wishing you and Sammy lots of happy fun times together. He sounds adorable. Wishing him well with his weight loss.


Re: Sammy

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 08:14
by mollymunch
Welcome to the site Carol. Thank you for giving Sammy a loving home. Well done on mastering the photos, he's a handsome boy. Keep 'em coming now you know how :bravo:

Alison x

Re: Sammy

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 08:40
by Mad Maisie
Wonderful news!!!!!

Lovely. :love5:

Gill, Meg and Maisie
:love2: :love2: :love2:

Re: Sammy

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 08:59
by LabLover
Hi and welcome

Sounds like Sammy has made himself at home already. Thank you for taking him into your hearts and look forward to more updates on how he's doing with his weight loss :love5:

Amanda Jim Milo Zak & Max x

Re: Sammy

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 14:56
by warrengl
Hello and welcome to the site :love3:

Great to hear that you have taken Sammy into your heart and home! Looking forward to hearing his weight loss progress! :love2:

Re: Sammy

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 18:00
by rhoda4
Hi Carol, welcome.

Congratulations on adopting beautiful Sammy. :love2: :love3: Sounds like he's settling in just great. Look forward to updates and following his progress with the weight loss.

Ann, Paul & Zac x

Re: Sammy

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 23:25
by Melliott
Hi and welcome,

Thank you for taking Sammy into your hearts, he rally is a gorgeous chap - good luck with the weight loss :thumbup:

Love Michelle X

Re: Sammy

Posted: 01 May 2012, 20:09
by carolb
Glad you have joined the site Carol. Thank you so much for giving Sammy a lovely new home. Now, more pics please :1967:

Re: Sammy

Posted: 01 May 2012, 20:17
by Lins
Hi Carol and Sammy. A warm welcome to the site from us too.

I saw the lovely Sammy myself and almost fell in love :love5: Already have two 'biggies' in Molly (43kg) and Scooby (now 49kg) down from 71kg!

Good luck with the weight loss, it's well worth it in the end, despite the big pleading eyes.

Looking forward to more updates :thumbup: