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Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 12:34
by Ablineth
Do you remember Bumpy Bella who came to stay here and whilst here had a transformation to Bumpless Bella?............well last Monday Bumpless Bella brought her mum and dad to see me.

Actually I think she was showing off a bit as she had been to the groomers and wow did she look fantastic, sleek and hair over her extensive shaved bits and so, so very happy.

I was quite touched though as when she heard my voice she got so excited and was really, really pleased to see me, her mum said it was obvious she remembered me.

So now Bumpy-Bella who became Bumpless-Bella and is now known as Bella-boo has a wonderful life, is so happy and so loved.

It is always lovely to see the dogs again and see how they blossom with love and attention, it makes it all worth while.


Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 13:06
by rhoda4
Lovely to read the update. So pleased Bella-boo is happy, healthy and much loved. Can't image any dog would not be over-joyed to meet their Auntie Ky again. :love3:

Ann, Paul & Zac x

Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 18:06
by kayj
Lovely update Ky.

So pleased to hear that Bella is much loved and enjoying her new life.It must be such a wonderful feeling when the dogs who have been in your care remember you.

:love2: :love2:


Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 18:49
by Lins
Simply wonderful. :love5: It must feel very reqarding Ky when you see the transformation. It's not hard to imagine the fuss she made. How could she ever forget you.....and I mean that in the nicest way. :P

Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 21:14
by Ann Mee
What wonderful news Ky i'm so glad she remembered you, you must have made quite an impression on her. Great to read she is a happy girl :love2: :love2:

Ann x

Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 22:40
by Joe + Hilary
That was lovely to read.


Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 12:12
by warrengl
How lovely! Great to hear that Bella-boo is having a lovely life! :love2: :love3:

Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 17:40
by Glenys
Any photos Ky ?

Re: Remember Bumpy Bella?...........

Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 22:08
by Melliott
Lovely update, so pleased Bella found herself a wonderful life :love2:

Love Michelle X