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Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 10:25
by Debt
My apologies for the length of this - it's writing as its thought
When my OH, John, first showed me this website I couldn't help but remember and smile. Labradors do nothing but make you smile. When I was 8 my Mum got a golden lab called Rebel and he lived up to his name totally. I remember coming down the first morning we had him, Mum had kept him in the kitchen and when we opened the door there wasn't anything that he hadn't chewed - even wooden scrubbing brushes were shredded! How we laughed. We had the absolute pleasure of laughing with him everyday for 13 years.
Quite a few, well many, years later a friend of ours rescued a chocolate lab from a breeding farm. She was 5 years old and had had pups every season of her young life. The farm had named her Hussy but we changed it to Fussy. She came to us in bad condition and very withdrawn, not knowing anything after a lifetime in kennels. Slowly over the years she came out of her shell, into her lab coat and lived up to the name we had given her - Fuss by name and adored a fuss by nature. I can remember John saying 'she will never run'. And she didn't...until we took her on holiday to Newquay and we were on the beach. She was extremely wary at first but when I ran towards the water she just took off and didn't stop until she caught me up, splashing in the water, then digging in the sand. The look on her face was beautiful. I think that was the day she found what I call her 'naughty ears' - you know, when they're doing something they shouldn't or something funny, their ears crinkle and their faces say it all. Her company was the utmost pleasure for 5 years when sadly she started having seizures and we made the heartbreaking decision to let her go.
I swore after Fuss I wouldn't have another dog but as I said when John showed me this website all the memories and smiles came flooding back. I registered and visited everyday, my heart breaking at times with some of the stories but also so many times of smiling and laughing. We first spotted a 7 year old chocolate girl called Coco, so I rang Glenys and went with my sister to meet her. I don't know if Glenys will remember but when we arrived she asked me had I had a lab before. Yes I said, seven years ago. Glenys asked seven years, why so long? I told her the year we lost Fuss we had also lost my Dad and Johns Mum it had been a too much heartbreak.
She brought Coco out to meet us and sis and I took her in the garden. She was beautiful. We walked and talked with her but there was something I couldn't put my finger on. We came back to Glenys and as we talked with her she said 'You aren't a hundred percent are you' I didn't even have to say no and she said she could sense it and was sorry she wouldn't let her go. It broke my heart driving away but I was so glad it was Glenys there, following her instinct and saying what she had, because someone who didn't know dogs or labs as well as she does would of let her go with me and it wouldn't of been right.
A couple of months more looking everyday we spotted Treacle, Milly and also Big Mac. John favoured the chocolates after having Fuss and wanted to see Mac. When we arrived Glenys let Big Mac out and I have to honestly say I have never seen a bigger chocolate lab in all my life! He was huge! My youngest son Josh had come with us and as we were stood by the kennels two goldens jumped up, our fingers went through the cage to them, immediately to be nibbled in that oh so typical lab way when they think you've got the tiniest crumb. Josh said I take it this is Milly and Treacle. I nodded and smiled. Glenys let Milly out with Mac. The pair of them bounded round the yard. John didn't look sure at all so Glenys took Mac back in and let Treacle out. Milly flew to him and Glenys asked would we be prepared to take two. Before I could even turn to look at John he had said yes. I couldn't help but smile and Josh’s' face was a picture when we were sorting out the paperwork and I said we were taking the two of them.
I say 'we were taking the two of them' but in all honesty the two of them took us, from day one, utterly, completely and definitely wholeheartedly. The walks, the fun, silliness, affection, caring, love and everything else besides that these two brought with them was something I know only everybody on here can understand.
That was in July 2009. We've had what I feel were a way too short 3 1/2 years but a jam packed full of memories 3 1/2 years.
At what I feel are good ages but nevertheless, to me, tender ages we broken-heartedly lost Treacle, age 12 1/2, on 10th December 2012 due to heart failure. And, with so many tears as I'm writing this, we have now lost Milly, age 10 1/2, on 10th March 2013 due to a tumour. We've barely recovered from the heart-broken loss of Treacle and our hearts are shattered to pieces with the loss of Milly so soon after.
The phrase 'one of a kind' is tantamount to what we said when they first chose us, 'What a Pair!!' because we got two of a kind. From that first nibble they have been a pair that I cannot thank Glenys enough for trusting her instincts and allowing one pair to choose us pair.
Run free...forever my beautiful pair




Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 10:29
by Emma T
What stunning dogs they were, your photos are beautiful. I'm very sorry you have had to say goodbye to such a darling pair x

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 11:48
by Patmar
What beautiful dogs - I am so sorry to hear your sad news.

With love

Pat x

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 11:55
by Diesel Kate
Beautiful Pictures and Beautiful Dogs. What a lovely caring fun home you gave them.

Run free at the Bridge Treacle and Milliie. :love4:

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 12:01
by CarolynM
I remember seeing Millie and Treacle when we visited Glenys - they were gorgeous.

I am so sorry to hear you have lost them both so soon but take comfort that they had a wonderful time with you.

Run free Millie and Treacle


Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 12:30
by autumndays
How sad to lose two dear friends in such a short space of time.

Thinking of you.

Love from Anne, Paul, Skye and Lucas

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 12:39
by barrovia
So sorry to read your sad news of the loss of both Treacle and Millie in such a short space of time.

Stunning pictures.

Our thoughts and big hugs being sent your way.

Run free sweet girls, Treacle and Millie :love2:

Mandy x

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 12:42
by Willow
I'm so sorry for your dreadful loss but glad that you found one another when you did. Thank you for loving them; you sound like lovely people :love3:
Run free at the bridge Millie & Treacle, together forever xx

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 12:47
by Glenys
I remember Millie and Treacle two gorgeous dogs I am so sorry you have lost them three years in a lifetime for a dog if loved and cherished is worth so much sadly they take a piece of our hearts with them but precious memories will always remain.

I dont think anyone reading about people losing dogs do not share a little tear because it brings back our own sad loss of a beloved dog(s) too.
Why do we put ourself through it ? because the love given and received from a dog is beyond measure its selfless, unconditional love worth every tear we shed.

Big hugs and thank you for letting them stay together and share your life and home.

Now together again

Glenys xxx

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 13:00
by mollie
What a heartfelt tribute to a beautiful pair. Heartbreaking to have lost two in such a short space of time.

Words will never be enough at a time like this. Cherish the memories - three and half years will have seemed like a lifetime to Millie and Treacle.

:love3: :love3: :love3:

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 13:03
by jackiem
Two beautiful dogs. I really feel for you.
Big hugs to you all.

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 14:56
by JoanG
What a wonderful tribute to two stunning dogs, the photos show how close they were to each other. As Glenys says each dog takes a piece of our hearts with them when they go but incredibly our hearts seem to expand to one day fit another furry friend in.

I hope all your happy memories will bring you comfort and that in time you will be able to smile at their antics

Run free Millie with your beloved friend Treacle.

Joan x

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 16:44
by mollymunch
Such a wonderful tribute to your wonderful girls.

Thinking of you all at this sad time.

Alison x

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 17:02
by Lins
So sad for you. Lovely tribute. :bighug: :bighug:

Run free together at the Bridge Millie, now with Treacle -together forever. :love2: :love2:

Re: Two of a kind - What a pair

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 18:12
by Johndale
I am sorry to hear that you have lost Millie & Treacle. What fun you had with them & the photos are special.

As Glenys says it's the "unconditional love" that dogs give us that makes them so special. There is no relationship on this planet that is like it.

John & Teddyxx