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Indie update

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 20:51
by Ruth61
Thought I'd share Indie's progress over the last few weeks.
We have found out that she can't half jump - a 7ft stone wall is no problem to her with a good run up! Unfortunately it happens to be alongside the railway line - fortunately she is very good on recall. Several grey hairs later .....
She gets a fantastic two hour walk every morning, mostly off leash in our local estate park - lots of woods, mud, a stream and fields she can play around in. She loves it and loves all her doggie friends :thumbup:
She loves to play hide and seek with her ball in the woods - that is, she hides the ball and we have to find it :2093: - she's very kind and gives us helpful clues like lying down and pointing her body in the right direction :rofl: We're very fit now lol.
She also loves jumping into the stream to chase sticks - this is a new game for her and has the benefit of cleaning her up a bit before going back to the car :1939:
Indie has always hated being on the lead - she is very nervous of all sorts of situations and being off leash has made her feel able to run to a safe place. But we want to be able to walk her anywhere in safety so we've been experimenting with different configurations of leads etc. whoopee - we've found the Halti neck collar and lead - we are finally getting somewhere. A mile and a half on the lead today - yay Indie :bravo: over the next two weeks we plan to get her acclimatised to walking in our immediate locality and then progress to the prom - fingers crossed :1939:

Re: Indie update

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 21:17
by Lins
Well done Indie. :1951: Sounds like you are keeping your hoomans fit. :thumbup:

Loveley update. Thanks. :love3:

Re: Indie update

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 21:20
by 12_paws
:2379: Indie seems to be a bundle of fun & mischief and it sounds she's coming on really well - didn't you have to carry her home first time out?
It's great to hear about her progress,and of course great to see it too (hint... :1947: )
Well done Indie!
Des x

Re: Indie update

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 21:29
by mollie
Great update :1951:

I really laughed at the bit where she hides the ball then lies down and gives you a clue :rofl:

Bless her, she's doing really well with your help, and is obviously enjoying a wonderful life with you.

Keep the updates coming. :thumbup:

Re: Indie update

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 23:04
by Ruth61
I keep trying to get an updated image of her in action, so to speak, but she's like a streak of lightening - all my images are so blurred f1
The only good one I have is of her chewing up a plastic milk carton - great for saving our skirting boards but it's no action shot. I'll keep trying :2386:

Re: Indie update

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 19:05
by Ruth61
[img][[IMG] ... ebrvry.jpg[/img]/img]
I hope this works - it should be a pic of Indie in the woods on one of her long walks. She's grown in the past three months and is gaining confidence all the time. Still a very wilful juvenile at the moment though lol.

Re: Indie update

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 20:58
by Jane267
Lovely pic of Indie in the woods. If you edit your post so that only one [img] at each end then the pic should show in the text!

So at beginning you should have [img]
at the end you should have [/img]

But well done on even working out this complicated system.


Re: Indie update

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 21:48
by Ruth61

Thanks Jane. I searched the forum for the instructions again, so hopefully got it right this time :read:
This should show the little princess concentrating on her favourite activity - total destruction - in this case a milk carton :thumbup:
